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Why choose licensed PMP?

Your network is creaking under the pressure of data. Your commercial targets are tight and the competition is fierce. You need a solution. Hello licensed PMP microwave.

Combining the inherent cost-efficiencies of a point-to-multipoint (PMP) architecture and the carrier-grade services of licensed spectrum, licensed PMP offers the optimum business case for backhaul and enterprise access networks.

Increasingly fibre and alternative wireless technologies don’t create a business case to warrant investment. The reasons why are clear.

With fibre and point-to-point (PTP), the drawbacks are higher cost and slower deployment time; with sub 6GHz, it’s the lack of quality of service and scalability.

Licensed PMP provides not only the capacity, quality of service and a quick time to market your customers demand, but delivers cost savings which accelerate network profitability.

Licensed PMP
PMP microwave connects multiple sites from a single hub - leading the market is CBNL.

Offering unparalleled price: performance, it’s a technology operators simply can’t afford to ignore. Here’s why…

High capacity

600Mb/s per link and up to 14.4Gb/s per hub site.

Guaranteed quality of service

  • Utilises area licensed spectrum.

Lower costs and increased ROI

  • Saves up to 30% CAPEX, 50% OPEX and 50% TCO compared to fibre and PTP.

Long range

  • Up to 20km.

Half the radios required by PTP

  • Twice as fast to deploy.
  • Less space, less power consumption, less environmental impact.

Video: what is licensed PMP?