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Backhaul no longer stuck in the middle

18 February 2014

Backhaul no longer stuck in the middle

We recently spoke to The Mobile Network about some of the novel approaches our customers are taking to building next generation backhaul.

Just as application-specific physical servers in the data centre are becoming a thing of the past, at CBNL we think that application-specific networks are starting to go the same way. 

By re-using the same physical infrastructure to run multiple virtual network applications, our customers are making significant savings and creating additional benefits, such as lowered end-user churn.

Taking advantage of powerful, in-built QoS-aware scheduling and soft service definitions, CBNL’s VectaStar platform transforms a previously inflexible and costly part of the network. 

Multiple virtual networks are easily defined and new requirements like small cell backhaul can be added when needed.

The figure below shows data from one of our customers who are back hauling 3G, LTE and enterprise access across a high capacity VectaStar network at 26 and 28GHz. 

The network already comprises almost 5,000 links. Despite the mobile data traffic trebling in less than two years, there is plenty of room for further growth not just in the raw number of links, but also by adding completely new backhaul applications, such as small cell.

The feature can be found on pages 30-33 of the latest edition of The Mobile Network.

If you’re in Barcelona next week, please come and visit us at the CBNL stand - Hall 5, Stand 5H27

We’ll be running a live demo of the new VectaStar wideband platform showing how a high capacity mobile cell site can be backhauled within the same sector as an enterprise access customer with a custom QoS profile.

We hope to see you there.

CBNL stand location at Mobile World Congress 2014

Hall 5, Stand 5H27

Categories: 5G FWA Blog