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Green is the new black - part 2

09 October 2010

Green is the new black - part 2
There are many challenges facing the world’s mobile operators, as increasing data capacity expectations continue to drive bandwidth demands of the world’s mobile operators.

These demands have to be met quickly and reliably at low-cost if operators wish to succeed in this ever-competitive marketplace, but this isn’t the only challenge in today’s market.

Increasingly the economic and regulatory pressures that have traditionally set the pace for telecoms advancements have been joined by a new wave of environmental concerns.

Mobile Network Operators are on the look-out for solutions that can deliver against customer expectations while addressing environmental costs.

In 'Green is the new black - part 1', VectaStar was presented as an economic, scalable and environmentally-sound backhaul solution for mobile operators.

The article focused on phase one of the three-phase product life-cycle; manufacturing and installation, operation and disassembly and recycling.

It concluded that a VectaStar backhaul network reduces energy consumption by 50% eliminating in excess of a staggering 354,030 tonnes worth of CO2 per year during the manufacturing and installation process alone.

Cost and energy savings across the product life-cycle

The importance of the sustainable development of telecommunications technologies is increasingly apparent in today’s market.

This is reflected by O2’s decision last month to launch a green ranking scheme measuring environmental footprint, with firms including Nokia, Sony, Ericsson and Samsung signing up to be benchmarked against each other.

This consumer-driven initiative gives customers a clearer picture of the environmental impact of their purchases, adding to the pressure for operators to keep sustainability at the heart of the product life cycle.

A snapshot of the second phase of the VectaStar product life-cycle, operation, shows the environmental and consequent cost benefits that can be realised with the deployment of a VectaStar backhaul network.

As the leading point-to-multipoint (PMP) solution, VectaStar requires approximately half as many radios as equivalent point-to-point microwave backhaul solutions.

The resulting cost and energy saving advantages are significant within ongoing operational deployment of the network in three ways:

  • Energy consumption is reduced by 50%
  • The all outdoor-design eliminates 100% of energy consumption associated with cooling
  • VectaStar powered networks require less maintenance and reduced energy consumption directly associated with repairs.

These trademark factors of VectaStar, along with technical advancements within the product, result in substantial environmental benefits throughout the operational phase of the product life-cycle.

Want hard figures?

According to recent CBN research the deployment of VectaStar (if used wherever applicable) could reduce radios needed by nearly 1.5M by 2014. According to the research, this would also present corresponding resource and environmental savings.

"Energy and related carbon emissions in manufacture and shipping would be reduced by approximately 40% and operating energy, including cooling, could be cut up to two-thirds by taking full advantage of VectaStar’s all-outdoor designs"

To discuss any of these figures or to find out more contact us.

Categories: 5G FWA Blog