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Championing the Olympics

04 October 2010

Championing the Olympics

VectaStar provides ‘mobile’ backhaul for high-footfall events.

Good news for festival goers, concert lovers and sporting events enthusiasts!

We could finally see the end of the ‘no network coverage’ message at large-scale events, such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games, as VectaStar is offering mobile phone operators a new solution that will enable network coverage at the world’s busiest events.

As mobile operators are experiencing, today’s high footfall events are jam-packed with smarthphone-savvy customers in different guises, from football fans to festival goers in muddy wellington boots, each one expecting a constant level of connectivity at even the busiest times.

The needs of such users has also changed – from sending their friends pictures of their favourite band, to recording the band’s live music and uploading it straight onto YouTube for all their friends to listen to.

The problem in the past has been that cell services have become disrupted if too many people use a nearby cell tower at an event at the same time.

Some cell sites operate at full capacity and are tipped over the edge when a surge of calls occur; for example, when event-goers call home to share a favourite song or when a winning goal is scored.

Customers are left furiously redialing, only to receive the dreaded ‘no network coverage’ message.

This network disruption could now be a thing of the past, as CBNL introduces its latest innovation, designed to support the traffic peaks generated by live events. Dubbed, ‘VectaStar on wheels’ due to its highly mobile nature, CBNL’s new technology enables operators to boost network performance at busy events.

The result is that the over-use of certain cell towers is avoided and service disruption is kept to a minimum.

As operators adopt this new technology, mobile phone users everywhere will see the benefits. And with the Olympic Games on the horizon, peak data demand is about to reach an all time high.

Now, how’s that for timing?

Categories: 5G FWA Blog