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New report shows efficient backhaul avoids the compromise between quality of service and low cost per bit for small cell networks

30 May 2013

New report shows efficient backhaul avoids the compromise between quality of service and low cost per bit for small cell networks

CBNL’s latest white paper ‘Small cell backhaul: the big picture’ takes stock of industry progress and provides our insight into what’s really driving small cell adoption, the backhaul requirements and the best practices that are being developed as networks roll out.

A fundamental analysis of backhaul total cost of ownership (TCO) is also published which shows clearly why point-to-multipoint topologies reduce costs by up to 45% compared to point-to-point, proving operators don’t need to compromise quality of service to achieve a low cost per bit.

The paper also backs up the Small Cell Forum’s message from earlier this year that ‘Backhaul is not a barrier’ through a comprehensive analysis of the wider toolbox of backhaul solutions available on the market today and the scenarios to which they’re best suited.

Julius Robson, Wireless Technology Strategist at CBNL and co-author of the report says,

“Whilst operators have very stringent total cost of ownership targets for small cells, backhaul is still backhaul, and nothing less than carrier-grade performance is acceptable. Cost savings must therefore be obtained by increased efficiency and utilisation of resources rather than sacrificing performance or features.”

Dr John Naylon, Chief Technology Officer at CBNL and co-author added,

“Point-to-multipoint microwave is one of a selection of backhaul technologies we review in the paper and is proven across the globe to deliver carrier-grade backhaul in a very efficient manner. Our analysis shows the high level of TCO savings point-to-multipoint microwave backhaul brings to small cell networks, whilst delivering the capacity, flexibility and speed of deployment needed to meet operator’s requirements."

Download the white paper here.

Small cell backhaul: the big picture - table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Market progress in small cells and backhaul
  • What’s driving small cell deployment?
  • Styles of small cell deployment
  • Small cell backhaul requirements from the NGMN
  • The Small Cell Forum’s backhaul solution toolbox
  • Selecting from the backhaul toolbox
  • Fundamental analysis of backhaul total cost of ownership
  • Our vision for small cell backhaul
  • Conclusion
Categories: Press releases